- Zahl
- ... there is a way to connect a Peano sequence of natural numbers
in one ontological locus with the Peano sequence in a different one. This connection is
expressed arithmetically and with different degrees of complexity in the proto-, deutero- and trito-numbers.
These number systems do not refer to the contexturality of a given ontological locus but to a universal substructure that
connects these loci with each other. Thus these numbers have, what we shall call, an
inter-ontological semantic relevance. The terms Life, Self or Soul have always been
mysterious, because they refer to an inter-ontological phenomenon. Since the classic
tradition knows only a sinlge ontology it has no theoretical means at its disposal to
describe phenomena which fall...between different ontologies. (Bd.2, 264)
- Zunächst muß festgehalten werden, daß in einem
poly-kontexturalen Weltsystem jede Universalkontextur ihre eigene Peano-Folge besitzt, die
ausschließlich auf sie bezogen ist und die rein intra-kontextural abläuft.... Unter
einem transkontexturalen Zahlenverlauf verstehen wir eine lineare Folge, die
intrakontextural in einer gegebenen Universalkontextur beginnt, und nach einer mehr oder
weniger großen Akkumulation von Einheiten in eine andere Kontextur überschreitet, dort
sich entweder unbeschränkt weiter akkumuliert oder aber in gewissen arithmetischen
Abständen weitere trans-kontexturale Überschreitungen vornimmt. (Bd.2, 275)
- The point we intend to make here is that our original process of
counting will also stop, if we switch over from one ontological locus to another and
discover that there is something to count. This will always be the case, if the other
ontological locus belongs to a different contextural domain which may combine two or more
ontological loci. Such a crossover into a different contexturality would inforce us to
start another sequence of natural numbers. (Bd.2, 253)