- Diskontexturalität
- ... Kontexturalitätsdifferenz ... ist der strukturelle Abbruch, der zwischen zwei Kontexturen
existiert. (Bd.3, 188-189)
- The ontological domain of Being - i.e. our first contexturality -
had its range of objects generated by the TND ... and if there ever existed any agreement
in the history of logic, then it was this: that such logical principle could not generate
the ontological conditions for the existence of a thinking subject. The relation of the
cognizing subject to its range of objects is always one of discontexturality." (Bd.2,
- ... if we postulate a polycontextural Universe, the barriers of
discontexturality which now cut through this empirical world, have lost nothing of their
intransigency by being multiplied." (Bd.2, 305)