The Blind Spot
of A footnote to
Gotthard Günther´s articles: |
digital reconstruction of an article on ´mechanical consciousness´
that was published nearly 50 years ago by the philosopher Gotthard
Günther in one of the leading science fiction magazine of that time [1]
rises the question whether such an article is still up to date or not.
Considering the overwhelming float of literature on ´consciousness´,
´cognition´ or ´self consciousness´ etc. produced in the field of
modern philosophy and artificial intelligence [2] seems
to make all efforts of reconstructing such a fifty years old contribution
even more questionable.
Surprisingly the answer on this question is very simple: Günther´s article is still an avant-garde contribution when compared to the actual publications in this particular field of artificial intelligence; for the simple reason that Günther offers a logical analysis for the problem which results in a very straightforward answer. An answer which is characterized by its clarity of thoughts and its logical strictness. However, it would be a fatal mistake to judge Günther´s work only by his contributions to the science fiction literature. For this reason, we added, as a PDF-file [3], the list of contents of Günther´s "Beiträge zur Grundlegung einer operationsfähigen Dialektik" (transl.: ´contributions to a foundation of a dialectic capable of operating´). Especially in volume_1 of this title there are two articles "Seele und Maschine" (transl.: ´soul and machine´) and "Die zweite Maschine" (transl.: ´the second machine´). Both articles correspond to the topic of the S.F.-article "Can Mechanical Brains ....". Additionally, Günther´s book "Das Bewußtsein der Maschinen - eine Metaphysik der Kybernetik" (translated: ´the consciousness of machines - a metaphysics of cybernetics´) should be mentioned within this context. [4] In order to give a sample to the interested reader of Günther´s work we also added the introduction (as PDF-file) of "Idee und Grundriss einer nicht-Aristotelischen Logik" (1st edition) [5]. Here we quote from this introduction to the topic of ´mechanical consciousness´:
At another passage within this introduction Günther wrote:
From these two passages two conclusions can be drawn: First, the topic of ´mechanical conciousness´ in all its variations is a fundamental logical problem because self-referential processes have to be modeled in a logical consistent way, and second, it seems that modern artificial intelligence researchers are blind towards this fundamental logical problem - they are unable ´to apperceive apperception´. Here are some further links to
the work of Gotthard Günther: There are several articles by Joachim Castella "Der Gang an der Grenze" and "Die Monograhien Gotthard Günters - Einleitung in das Denken Gotthard Günthers" of the PCL group: The second article "Die Entdeckung Amerikas" was written originally in English and has been translated in 1952. [6] At the moment, we are not able to present the original English version, however, we are planning to present an English version in the nearest future. This article not only gives an idea of Günther´s relation to science ficture literature [cf. ref. 7] but also to the scientific-historical facet of the philosopher and logician Gotthard Günther [cf. ref. 8]. This, however, is not such a surprise as it has been expressed by some people [9] knowing that Günther has founded the basis of a ´theory of the subjectivity´ or a ´theory of the living´. The existing interdependence between the two articles will be presented in a future contribution. |
[1] Der
Artikel wurde in dem Magazin. "Astounding Science Fiction" (John
W. Campbell jr, editor) 1953 publiziert.
[2] Einige
Beispiele und deren WWW-Adressen zu dem heute etwas in Mode gekommenen
Themenkomplex (weitere Arbeiten finden sich jeweils unter den angegebenen
[3] Inhaltsverzeichnis
der 3-bändigen Ausgabe: "Beiträge zur Grundlegung einer
operationsfähigen Dialektik" - PDF-File
[4] Gotthard
Günther: "Das Bewusstsein der Maschinen - Eine Metaphysik der
Kybernetik", AGIS-Verlag, Baden-Baden und Krefeld, 1963.
[5] Gotthard
Günther: "Idee und Grundriß einer nicht-Aristotelischen
Logik", Felix Meiner Verlag, Hamburg : <
> unter der Rubrik Gesamtverzeichnis - Monographien/Reihen. Dieser
Band ist mittlerweile in der 3. Auflage erschienen. PDF_File:
Vorwort zu "Idee und Grundriß..."
[6] Gotthard
Günther, "Die Entdeckung Amerikas und die Sache der
Weltraum-Literatur", K. Rauch Verlag, Düsseldorf, 1952.
[7] Wer diesen
Aspekt vertiefen möchte, dem sei Günther´s "Selbstdarstellung im
Spiegel Amerikas" als Lektüre empfohlen : G. Günther,
"Selbstdarstellung im Spiegel Amerikas" In Philosopie in
Selbstdarstellung, Band II, Felix Meiner Verlag, Hamburg, 1975
[8] Hier
verweisen wir auf "Maschine, Seele und Weltgeschichte" aus Band
3 der "Beiträge zur Grundlegung einer operationsfähigen
Dialektik", Felix Meiner Verlag, Hamburg, 1980.
[9] Es sei
auch auf die Home_Page des IFF-Klagenfurt und der dort publizierten Arbeit
Günther Web You may also want to have a look into Günther's Philosophy Web to read more about Polycontextural Logic! |
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